There are many martial arts in the world. Over 190, to be exact. Martial arts have been created as a way to attack and defend yourself. It has been done for centuries. But as we progress as a society...
Category: Martial Arts FAQ
Sauna Vs Ice Bath For Recovery In Martial Arts (Pros & Cons)
Regarding post-workout recovery, many athletes will debate whether they should use a sauna or an ice bath. Both methods have pros and cons, and deciding which is right for you can be challenging. You...
Are you looking for a martial arts gym? Whether you are a beginner or an experienced martial artist, there are certain things you should consider when choosing a...
Do you see athletes wearing masks during their workouts? Oddly, you've seen at least one athlete using a training mask. Many people are interested in what a training mask is, why athletes wear it,...
In boxing, one of the most important defensive techniques is learning how to block or avoid getting hit by a hook. A well-executed hook can knock an opponent out, so it's important to know how to...
When it comes to martial arts, there is a big difference between fighting and sparring. In a real fight, the goal is to hurt and dominate your opponent. This holds for almost all martial arts, such...