Top 20 Tips For Getting Better At Jiu-Jitsu Faster

Jiu-jitsu is an intriguing and demanding martial art that demands both physical and mental strength. Whether you’re just starting out or have been practicing for some time, you may seek ways to advance in jiu-jitsu faster. To improve your game, follow these helpful tips to improve your skills and achieve your goals. Whether you’re a newcomer or an experienced practitioner, these tips will help you take your jiu-jitsu to the next level.

Be Consistent

This martial art emphasizes grappling and ground fighting. It requires consistent practice and dedication. This is to develop the techniques and muscle memory needed. Consistency in training means showing up to class regularly. Where putting in the time and effort to drill techniques.

This includes participating in sparring sessions. It also involves consistently working on specific areas for improvement. Which can be in areas such as posture, transitions, and submissions. Consistent training leads to steady progress. Gradually improving over time. Allows practitioners to reach their full potential in the sport.

In BJJ competition, consistency is also key. Competitors need to have consistent technique, strategy, and conditioning. They must also have the mental consistency to remain focused. Especially when they execute their game plan, even under the pressure of competition.

Ultimately, consistency is a critical factor in achieving success in BJJ. Whether you are a beginner just starting out or an experienced competitor. Staying consistent in your training and competition will help you reach your goals sooner.

Reinforce The Fundamentals

Fundamentals are the basic techniques and principles. These serve as the foundation for more advanced skills and strategies.

In BJJ, fundamental techniques include the proper grips, posture, and movements. Which are needed to control and submit an opponent. By mastering these techniques, practitioners can develop a solid base of skills.

Practicing the fundamentals regularly helps to ingrain them into muscle memory. This ensures that they become second nature in sparring and competition. You will need a strong foundation for adapting to new techniques and strategies.

Starting with the fundamentals helps to avoid developing bad habits. Which can be difficult to unlearn later on. By focusing on the proper technique, you can establish a strong foundation. This will serve you well throughout your journey in BJJ.

Fundamentals in BJJ are crucial for developing a solid base of skills. Avoiding bad habits and ensuring long-term success.

Drill, Drill, Drill

These repetitive exercises help to develop proper technique, muscle memory, and physical conditioning.

BJJ drills can range from simple techniques. Such as escapes and submissions to more complex combinations of movements and transitions. They can be performed solo or with a partner and tailored to focus on specific areas of improvement.

Drilling allows practitioners to hone their techniques in a controlled and focused environment. This will enable them to focus on the details of each movement and make any necessary adjustments. It also provides an opportunity for repetition. Which helps to ingrain the techniques into muscle memory. This will make you more effective in live sparring and competition.

Incorporating drills into your BJJ training can significantly enhance your progress by regularly practicing and refining specific techniques and movements. Practitioners can develop these skills and confidence. Which are needed to perform at their best on the mat.

Live Sparring Is Important

These live training exercises allow practitioners to apply their techniques and strategies in a more realistic and dynamic environment.

Sparring, also known as “rolling,” involves practicing techniques with a partner. This is in a controlled and safe manner. It allows practitioners to put their skills to the test. Try new techniques, and develop their reaction time and instincts by sparring with partners of different levels and styles. Practitioners can learn to adapt to different situations and develop their overall game.

In BJJ, sparring is an essential aspect of training. It helps to build confidence and refine techniques in a live setting. It also provides valuable experience for competition.

It is crucial to approach sparring with a mindset of growth and improvement rather than winning or losing. The focus should be on learning, trying new techniques, and pushing one’s limits.

Sparring and rolling are crucial components of BJJ training. They allow practitioners to apply their skills and develop their overall game. Also, building confidence and refining their techniques in a live setting.

Watch And Learn

Observing experienced fighters can give you a better understanding of how techniques are used in real matches and provide insight into various strategies. You can also use instructional videos to see specific techniques in more detail and pause or slow down the videos to better understand each movement.

Watching skilled fighters can also be a great motivation to help you reach your goals and become a better BJJ practitioner. To get the most out of watching and learning, it’s essential to approach it with a growth mindset. Focus on learning and improving rather than just winning.

Take note of the techniques and strategies experienced fighters use and try to apply them in your own training. Ask questions and seek feedback from your instructor or training partners. The more you watch and learn, the more you’ll be able to grow as a BJJ practitioner.

Watching and learning from others is crucial to becoming a better BJJ practitioner. By observing experienced fighters, using instructional videos, and having a growth mindset, you can improve your techniques, understand different strategies, and reach your full potential in this challenging and rewarding sport.

Train With Different Partners

Each partner has their own unique strengths and weaknesses, which can challenge and help you grow in different ways. Grappling with partners of various sizes, skill levels, and styles can provide valuable insights and perspectives on technique, strategy, and the sport as a whole.

Grappling with more significant partners can help you develop better control and leverage. While grappling with smaller partners can help you improve your speed and precision. Grappling with more experienced partners can challenge you to try new techniques.

In addition to helping you improve. Grappling with different partners can also keep training fresh and exciting. Mixing up your training partners can provide new challenges.

Grappling with different partners is an essential aspect of BJJ training. By working with partners of various sizes, skill levels, and styles. Practitioners can develop a well-rounded skill set. They can challenge themselves and keep training enjoyable and fulfilling. So feel free to try grappling with different partners and see how much you can grow and improve in BJJ.

Focus On Weaknesses

Every practitioner has their own strengths and weaknesses. By identifying and working on your weaknesses, you can become a more well-rounded Grappler. This can also help you to become more confident in your abilities. As well as avoid becoming too dependent on your strengths.

One way to identify your weak areas is to ask for feedback from your training partners or instructor. They can observe areas that need improvement that you may need to be made aware of. You can also watch videos of yourself training or competing. This is great for identifying areas where you could improve.

Once you have identified your weak areas. You can focus your training on these specific techniques and strategies. This can involve drilling-specific techniques. Practicing with different partners. 

Focusing on weak areas in your game is crucial to improving in BJJ. By identifying and working on your weaknesses. You can become a more well-rounded grappler. You increase your confidence and avoid becoming too dependent on your strengths. So make a plan to work on your weak areas and see how far you can go in your BJJ journey.

Get In Shape

BJJ is a physically demanding sport requiring a good fitness level to perform well. Being in good physical condition will not only help you achieve better in training and competition. It can also reduce the risk of injury and improve your overall health.

To get in shape for BJJ, it’s essential to focus on a balanced workout. This includes both strength training and cardiovascular exercise. Strength training can help you build the muscles you need for grappling. Cardiovascular exercise, such as running or cycling. It will improve your endurance and stamina. Which is crucial for performing well in BJJ.

In addition to regular exercise. It’s also essential to maintain a healthy diet that provides you with energy. Eat a balanced diet. Such as fruits, vegetables, and lean forms of protein. You can stay in shape and fuel your body for training.

Getting in shape is an important aspect of training in BJJ. By focusing on a balanced workout and a healthy diet. You can perform at your best in training or competition. Reduce your risk of potential injury, and improve your overall health. So, elevate your fitness and see how it can impact your BJJ journey.

Learn From Mistakes

BJJ is a complex sport that requires constant learning and improvement. Making mistakes is a part of the process. The key to improving is avoiding mistakes and learning from them.

One way to learn from mistakes is to analyze what went wrong during training or competition. This can involve re-watching videos of your performance. Talking to your training partners or coach or reflecting on your own experiences. By understanding what went wrong.

Another way to learn from mistakes is to embrace them as growth opportunities instead of viewing them as failures. See mistakes as an opportunity to learn. This mindset can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals. Even when you encounter setbacks.

Learning from mistakes is a crucial aspect of improving in BJJ. By analyzing what went wrong and embracing mistakes. By focusing on areas that need improvement. You can become a better fighter and continue progressing in your BJJ journey. So take the time to reflect on your experiences, learn from your mistakes, and see how far you can go.

Set Goals

Measurable goals can help you track your progress and stay focused on what you want to achieve. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced practitioner. Setting goals can help you stay on track and achieve your full potential.

When setting goals for BJJ, it’s essential to be specific and realistic. Start by setting achievable short-term goals. Such as learning a new technique or improving your stamina. Set long-term goals that reflect your ultimate aspirations. Such as competing at a high level or earning a black belt.

It’s also important to be flexible and adjust your goals as needed. BJJ is a dynamic sport that requires constant adaptation, and your goals may change as you progress. You can continue to grow and evolve as a fighter by staying flexible and open-minded.

Setting goals is an essential aspect of training in BJJ. By setting specific, realistic goals and being flexible with them. You can stay motivated, track your progress, and achieve your full potential. So, set your goals and see how they can impact your BJJ journey.

Technique, Not Strength

BJJ is a grappling-based martial art that emphasizes leverage, timing, and position over raw power. Using proper technique, even smaller or weaker practitioners can defeat larger and stronger opponents.

One of the critical principles of BJJ is to use your opponent’s strength against them. This means that instead of trying to overpower them. You use your technique to control their movements and create submission opportunities.

Another important aspect of BJJ is the use of leverage. By using proper leverage. You can increase your control over your opponent. This will also reduce the amount of energy required to maintain a dominant position.

Technique is more important than strength. You will become a more effective grappler by focusing on proper technique, leverage, and control. Especially when you defend against and control opponents of all sizes and strengths. So remember, in BJJ, the technique is vital!

Ask For Help And Feedback

Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced practitioner. Seeking guidance from others can help you improve your skills and reach your goals.

Asking for help can mean seeking advice from your training partners or instructor. By asking for help, you can gain a new perspective on your training. You identify areas that need improvement.

Receiving feedback can also be a valuable tool in your BJJ journey. Your training partners and instructors can observe your techniques. They can provide constructive criticism that can help you improve. It’s essential to approach feedback with an open mind. Even if the feedback is critical.

Asking for help and feedback is an important aspect of training in BJJ. By seeking guidance from others and being open to feedback. You can improve your skills, gain a new perspective on your training, and reach your goals. So don’t be afraid to ask for help and feedback and see how it can impact your BJJ journey.

Stay Relaxed

Rolling refers to live sparring sessions. Where practitioners apply techniques in a simulated fighting scenario. During rolling, it’s easy to get tense or anxious. Especially if you’re facing a skilled opponent. Staying relaxed is crucial for executing techniques and avoiding injury.

One way to stay relaxed during rolling is to focus on your breathing. Take deep breaths and exhale slowly to calm your nerves and increase oxygen flow to your muscles. This can help you stay relaxed and prevent fatigue.

Another way to stay relaxed during rolling is to let go of the outcome. Instead of worrying about winning or losing, focus on the process and try to improve with each exchange. This can help you stay relaxed and focused and lead to a more enjoyable training experience.

Staying relaxed during rolling is an important aspect of training in BJJ. By focusing on your breathing and letting go of the outcome. You can stay relaxed, avoid injury, and have a more enjoyable training experience. So take deep breaths, stay relaxed, and let the rolling begin!

Learn To Flow

Flowing is the ability to smoothly transition from one technique to another by adapting to your opponent’s movements and exploiting their weaknesses. This can help you maintain control and execute techniques effectively.

To learn to flow, it’s essential to start with the basics. From there, master the fundamentals of technique. Once you have a solid foundation. You can work on your transitions and practice flowing from one technique to another.

It’s also essential to practice with different partners. Especially in various scenarios to develop your ability to flow. By sparring with opponents of varying skill levels and styles. You can develop your adaptability. Where you become more comfortable with flowing in different situations.

Learning to flow is an important aspect of training in BJJ. You develop the necessary skills by mastering the fundamentals, practicing with different partners, and adapting to different scenarios. It is the ability to flow, execute techniques, and gain the upper hand in your rolls. So make a plan to work on your flow and see how it can impact your BJJ journey.

Don’t Get Discouraged

BJJ can be challenging, and it’s easy to get discouraged. Especially when facing tougher opponents, making mistakes, or not seeing progress. It’s important to stay positive and keep a growth mindset.

One way to stay motivated is to set achievable goals for yourself and track your progress. This will give you a sense of accomplishment. As well as keep you focused on your long-term aspirations.

Another way to stay motivated is to seek out positive role models and mentors in the BJJ community. Surrounding yourself with supportive and inspiring people. This can help you stay positive and motivated, even during tough times.

Staying motivated and avoiding discouragement is an important aspects of training in BJJ. By setting achievable goals, seeking out positive role models, and staying positive, you can overcome challenges, progress, and enjoy your BJJ journey. So stay positive, stay motivated, and keep rolling!

Try New Techniques

BJJ is a constantly evolving sport; there is always something new to learn and explore. Trying new techniques can help you broaden your skillsets.

One way to try new techniques is to attend seminars and workshops. Higher belts with experience will teach at these events. This can allow you to learn from some of the best in the sport.

Another way to try new techniques is to watch videos and read books on BJJ. This can give you new ideas and inspiration for techniques to try in your training.

It’s also important to have an open mind and be willing to try new techniques. Even if they are outside of your comfort zone. This can help you expand your skill set. In which you gain confidence in your abilities and enjoy your BJJ journey even more.

Trying new techniques is an essential aspect of training in BJJ. By attending seminars, watching videos, reading books, and having an open mind. You can broaden your skillset, become a more well-rounded fighter, and have more fun on the mat. So don’t be afraid to try new techniques and see where they take you in your BJJ journey.

Think Ahead

BJJ is a complex sport. It requires a combination of physical technique, strategy, and problem-solving skills. By thinking ahead, you can stay one step forward of your opponent and outmaneuver them on the mat.

One way to improve your ability to think ahead is to study. Namely, the techniques and strategies of experienced BJJ practitioners. This can give you a better understanding of the sport and help you develop your own game plan.

Another way to improve your ability to think ahead. It is to train with partners who have different styles and strengths. This can help you prepare for different scenarios and think ahead in your training.

In competition, thinking ahead can also help you stay calm and focused. Even in high-pressure situations. By anticipating your opponent’s moves and staying one step ahead. You can perform at your best and come out on top.

Thinking ahead is a critical aspect of training and competing in BJJ. By studying techniques and strategies. Training with different partners. Staying focused and remaining calm in competition. You can improve your thinking ahead skills and take your BJJ game to the next level. So start thinking forward and see where it takes you in your BJJ journey.

Train With Intensity

BJJ is a physically demanding sport requiring a high fitness level, endurance, and mental focus.

Intensity can be achieved through a variety of training methods. This includes high-intensity drilling, intense sparring sessions, and physical conditioning. You can improve your technique, speed, and fitness by training with intensity. Which can help you perform better in competition.

It’s important to remember that intensity should be balanced with proper technique and safety. Over-training or pushing yourself too hard can lead to injury, so it’s important to listen to your body and rest when necessary.

Training with intensity is an essential aspect of success in BJJ. By pushing yourself to your limits. You improve your physical and mental toughness. You can become a better BJJ practitioner and take your skills to the next level. So train with intensity and see where it takes you in your BJJ journey.

Respect The Art And Others

BJJ is a sport that emphasizes the values of respect, discipline, and community. You can create a positive and supportive training environment by respecting the art and others.

Respecting the art means appreciating the history and traditions of BJJ and the hard work and dedication of those who have come before you. It also means striving to improve your skills and becoming your best practitioner.

Respecting others means treating your training partners and instructors with kindness and courtesy. BJJ is a sport that requires close physical contact. It’s important to create a safe and positive training environment for everyone.

Respecting the art and others is critical to training and participating in BJJ. By creating a positive and supportive training environment and building strong relationships. You can enjoy the sport to the fullest and become a better practitioner. So respect the art and others, and see where it takes you in your BJJ journey.

Have Fun

BJJ is a sport that can be physically and mentally demanding, and it’s essential to enjoy the journey and have fun along the way.

Having fun in BJJ can be achieved in many different ways. You can enjoy the challenge of learning new techniques. The excitement of sparring and competition. The sense of community that comes from training with others. You can also find fun in the small victories and personal achievements of practicing BJJ.

Making the training experience more enjoyable and fun can positively impact your training. It can help you stay motivated and focused, reduce stress, and improve your mental and physical health.

Having fun is an essential aspect of training and participating in BJJ. By embracing the fun elements of the sport, you can make your BJJ journey more enjoyable and continue to stay motivated and focused. So have fun and see where it takes you in your BJJ journey.


Jiu-jitsu is a complex and rewarding martial art that requires dedication, hard work, and a willingness to learn. From being consistent in your training to focusing on your weaknesses, these tips will help you take your jiu-jitsu to the next level.

Remember to have fun and enjoy the journey, as jiu-jitsu is not just about winning or losing but about self-improvement and growth. Keep pushing yourself, respect the art and others, and stay committed to your training. You’ll be well on your way to becoming a skilled jiu-jitsu practitioner.

Gregori Povolotski

I have been practicing martial arts since 2007. For as long as I can remember, I have always had a huge passion for combat sports, especially Muay Thai and boxing. Helping people on their martial arts journey is what drives me to keep training and learn new things. Read More About Me

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