There are many fake martial arts out there. Some people may claim to know a certain martial art, but in reality, they don’t. Others may try to teach a made-up martial art. Or even an actual martial art but without proper understanding or knowledge. A lot of times, these fake martial arts are created by people who have no real training in the martial arts.
They might see a movie where someone is doing karate or jiu-jitsu and think it looks cool. So they decide to start teaching it themselves. Unfortunately, these fake martial arts can be dangerous. People might get hurt if they try to use them in a real fight. And even if they don’t get hurt, they won’t be able to defend themselves very well.
Many martial arts are not as effective as they would want to be. Some martial arts can work great when fighting practitioners of the same martial art. But these same fighters might have issues when fighting someone who is well versed in better martial art.

Every one of us remembers the days when we were kids/teenagers, watching kung fu movies on TV. We thought there was no other martial art that could come close to it. All the stances and moves that could kill a man with a single punch. It turns out we were very wrong.
Kung fu is not as good as people may think because it is not a practical fighting style. It is hard to apply kung fu techniques in a real-world setting. And they often do not work as well as other martial arts styles. Finally, kung fu relies heavily on theatricality and showmanship.
This means that it is often more about entertainment than actual self-defense. In conclusion, kung fu is not as good as people may think. It is not practical, safe, or effective, and it is better suited for the stage than the street.
Some (very few) MMA fighters say they studied Kung Fu, such as Dan Hardy and Tony Ferguson. Most MMA fighters avoid kung fu in a wide loop since it is not effective and applicable to MMA.
Aikido is a martial art that was created in the early 20th century by Morihei Ueshiba. It is a Japanese martial art that emphasizes joint locks and throws and does not allow much striking.
Aikido is often considered to be a “soft” or “non-violent” martial art. It is not generally considered to be an effective form of self-defense. There are many reasons why aikido is ineffective as a martial art, and here are some of the most notable ones:
- Aikido relies on techniques that require proximity to an attacker. This means that it is not practical for self-defense situations where an attacker may be armed with a weapon such as a knife or gun.
- Aikido techniques are often complex and require a great deal of practice to execute well. This makes it difficult to use them in a self-defense situation where you may not have time to think or react.
- Aikido training often does not include sparring or other realistic forms of fighting. This means that practitioners may not be prepared for the physical challenges of a real fight.
- Its non-violent philosophy makes it bad for self-defense situations.
- Aikido is the main martial art of Steven Segal. Do I need to say more about its ineffectiveness?
Sumo Wrestling
Sumo wrestling is a Japanese martial art that has been around for centuries. It is known for its massive size and strength of the participants. It is also known for its strict rules and traditions. However, in recent years people started arguing about which martial art is better.
For that reason, sumo wrestling has come under fire for being ineffective in both street fights and MMA competitions. Some argue that sumo wrestling is too restrictive. Saying its rules and traditions prevent practitioners from using their size and strength in a real fight.
Others say that sumo wrestlers are not trained in the techniques needed to be successful in MMA. It seems clear that sumo wrestling is not the best choice for those looking for an effective martial art.
Jeet Kune Do
Jeet Kune Do, or JKD, is a martial art created by Bruce Lee. It is a hybrid of different styles, including Wing Chun, boxing, fencing, and grappling. While it may seem like a good idea to mix different styles, in reality, it often does not work well.
JKD practitioners often have trouble when they fight against someone who knows how to fight. This is because they do not have the depth of knowledge and experience in any one style. JKD practitioners often do not put much emphasis on sparring as other martial arts.
As a result, they are often outmatched by those who have dedicated themselves to one martial art.
While I think JKD might not be the best martial art for self-defense and MMA, I cannot say it is not effective. It is maybe one of the better martial arts on this list.
Wing Chun
There are many reasons why Wing Chun is not good martial art. First, it relies on linear techniques. This means that practitioners must always be moving in a straight line. This can be countered by an opponent who knows how to move laterally.
Second, Wing Chun practitioners often use their hands and arms too much. They leave their legs and feet vulnerable to attack. Third, the art lacks effective kicking techniques. Fourth, because of its linear nature, Wing Chun is difficult to adapt to different situations and opponents.
Wing Chun is useful when fighting other Wing Chun practitioners. Since the practitioners will attack you with linear attacks they have learned. Real combat is much less linear and unforeseeable. This makes Wing Chun obsolete both in a Street Fight and MMA.
Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics, and music. It is often cited as being a very effective form of self-defense. But there are several reasons why it is not good martial art.
It is often quite flashy and showy. Its techniques are not always practical or effective in a real-world situation.
It relies too much on acrobatics and fancy moves, which can be difficult to execute in a real fight.
Capoeira is not a very safe martial art because it is so flashy and showy. Practitioners often get injured while training or performing.
Overall, capoeira is not a good martial art for self-defense. It is impractical, inefficient, and unsafe. If you are looking for a practical, efficient, and safe martial art for self-defense, you would be better off choosing something else.
Combat Systema
Combat Systema is a martial art that is becoming more and more popular in the United States. However, many people who practice this art do not realize that it is useless in a real fight. The reason why Combat Systema is useless is that it relies on techniques that will not work in a real situation.
For example, one of the main techniques taught in this art is how to quickly take down an opponent with a single strike. While this may look impressive in the dojo, it would be completely ineffective against a real attacker who was armed and ready to fight back.
In addition, Combat Systema also teaches its practitioners to use chokeholds. However, these techniques are also useless in a real fight. Combat Systema chokeholds can easily be broken by an opponent.
It also lacks serious sparring in its curriculum. A lack of sparring is a clear indication you should stay away from it.
Overall, it is clear that Combat Systema is not a useful martial art. It may be fun to practice and look impressive, but it will not help you in a real fight. If you are looking for a martial art that will be useful in a self-defense situation, you would be better off choosing something else.
Kyusho Jitsu
Kyusho Jitsu is a bad martial art for several reasons. First, it is not a practical fighting system. The techniques are designed to inflict pain on pressure points. But in a real fight, there are no pressure points to exploit. Second, Kyusho Jitsu is not a very effective self-defense system.
The techniques require you to be close to your attacker without him struggling. Which makes them impractical for use in most self-defense situations. Finally, Kyusho Jitsu is not an effective way to train for combat sports.
The techniques do not simulate the type of strikes that are used in boxing, kickboxing, or MMA. As a result, Kyusho Jitsu practitioners will not be prepared for the type of striking they will encounter in a real fight.
Shotokan Karate
Shotokan karate was invented in the early 20th century by Gichin Funakoshi. It is a Japanese martial art that emphasizes linear techniques and strict form. It was once a respectable style of karate, even providing a solid base for some UFC fighters.
UFC fighters such as Lyoto Machida and Steven Thompson. However, in the last few decades, it started relying too much on unrealistic moves and one-punch techniques that don’t work in a real fight.
The practitioners also don’t spar nearly as hard and as often as they should.
One of the main reasons for this is that Shotokan karate does not focus on practicality. The moves are often too complicated and require too much precision to be effective in a real fight. Many techniques wouldn’t work against a real opponent who is trying to hurt you.
Shotokan karate has become increasingly popular over the years, which has led to it becoming more commercialized. This has resulted in many instructors teaching it for the wrong reasons and not teaching it properly.
All of these factors have contributed to Shotokan karate becoming an ineffective martial art. If you are looking for a martial art to help you defend yourself, there are much better options out there.
Any Chi-based Martial Arts
What is Chi, you might ask? In martial arts, Chi is often described as an invisible energy that flows through all living things. It is also said to be the life force that gives a person strength and power. Chi-based martial arts claim to use this chi energy to perform amazing feats.
Feats such as breaking bricks with your bare hands or stopping a bullet with your palm. However, there is no scientific evidence that chi energy exists. Therefore, any martial art that claims to use chi energy is not based on reality and should not be taken seriously.
There are many other reasons why chi-based martial arts are not effective. For one, the techniques are often slow and cumbersome, making them impractical for self-defense. The focus on chi energy takes away from more important aspects of martial arts.
Crucial aspects such as proper form and technique. So if you’re looking for real martial art to learn, be sure to steer clear of any that claim to use chi energy. Stick with something that has been proven to be effective, such as boxing, karate, or jiu-jitsu.
Hoda Korosu
Hoda Korosu is the art of “improvised weaponry”. It means you can use almost anything to use as a weapon, even rolled-up magazines. Yes, you heard that right. But we all know, oftentimes, punches and kicks can be way more effective than any weapon.
The main thing that Hoda Korosu emphasizes is using anything and everything as a weapon. This might work in a street fight where there are no rules. But in a real martial arts competition, there are strict rules about what you can and cannot use as a weapon.
So if you’re training in Hoda Korosu and you get into a competition with someone who is trained in a more traditional martial art, you will have problems. They will probably have the upper hand because they know how to use their limbs effectively. Whereas you will be fumbling around trying to figure out how to use whatever you have as a weapon.
Overall, Hoda Korosu is not a very effective martial art and is not something we would recommend. Also, it has a reputation for being a fake martial art. If you’re looking to get serious about training martial arts, look somewhere else.
Taekwondo is often lauded as being a highly effective martial art. Many practitioners claim that it is one of the best styles for self-defense. However, there is growing evidence that taekwondo may not be as effective as some people believe.
One of the biggest problems with taekwondo is that it relies heavily on kicks. Kicks require a lot of space to be properly executed. And there is often not enough space in a street fight or MMA bout for proper kicking techniques to be used.
In a street fight, there is often a lot of grappling and clinching, which can make it difficult to land a kick. In addition, street fights often involve multiple opponents. Making it even more difficult to land a kick without getting taken down.
In an MMA bout, kicks are still often used, but they are usually supplemented with other strikes. Strikes such as punches and elbows. Kicks are often used to set up these other strikes or to finish an opponent off who has already been weakened by them.
However, in a taekwondo match, kicks are often the only strikes used. This can make taekwondo fighters predictable and easy to counter.
Ninjutsu was not developed to be a martial art or for self-defense purposes. It was created by Japanese ninja clans as a way to help them succeed in their missions. These missions often involved assassination and espionage. The techniques are designed to be used against armed opponents, not unarmed civilians.
Ninjutsu is also a very secretive art, and its methods are not meant to be taught to the general public.
Ninjutsu relies on stealth and deception, which are not useful in self-defense situations. In addition, ninjutsu techniques are often designed to kill or seriously injure an opponent.
This goes against the principles of self-defense. Finally, ninjutsu training is often very intense and requires a high level of commitment, which not everyone can maintain. For these reasons, ninjutsu is not a good martial art for self-defense purposes.
Chun Kuk Do
Ah, Chuck Norris, our favorite action hero when we were kids. He was always beating up the bad guys and getting the girl in the end. But have you ever wondered what kind of martial art he used? Well, it’s called Chun Kuk Do, and it’s a terrible martial art in a real-world situation. It is because of the following reasons:
- It’s not recognized by any major martial arts organization. This means that there is no real standardized curriculum or rank system. So basically, anyone can claim to be a black belt in Chun Kuk Do. They can do so without having to put in the hard work required to achieve that rank in other martial arts styles.
- There are no real tournaments or competitions for Chun Kuk Do practitioners. This lack of competition means that there is no way to test one’s skills against other practitioners to see how they measure up.
- There are no real professional instructors of Chun Kuk Do. This lack of professional instructors means that the quality of instruction is likely to be very inconsistent.
Okichitaw is a martial art that is based on the traditional fighting style of the Cree people of North America. The name “Okichitaw” comes from the Cree word for “warrior.” It was developed by Grandmaster George J. Lépine in the 1980s.
Okichitaw is considered to be a “bad” martial art for several reasons. First, it is not traditional martial art. It was created relatively recently. It does not have the same history or cultural significance as other martial arts.
Second, Okichitaw relies heavily on strikes with weapons such as tomahawks and knives. This makes it a very dangerous martial art to practice, as there is a high risk of serious injury. Finally, it gives a bullshido vibe and is not well-respected by the martial arts community.
Kendo is a Japanese martial art that uses swords. While it can be a fun martial art to practice, it is ineffective today. Since the world switched from swords to guns, it lost its reason to be practiced. Kendo is simply not good martial art to learn in the 21st century.
We are not saying that Kendo is a bad martial art per se. It is bad because people have stopped using swords in the real world.
Krav Maga
The main focus of Krav Maga is on practical self-defense situations. It is often taught to military and law enforcement personnel. While Krav Maga can be an effective form of self-defense. However, it has several disadvantages that make it less than ideal for most people.
Krav Maga practitioners often lack the sparring experience needed to truly test their skills. Sparring is an important part of any martial art, and it allows practitioners to learn how to deal with real-life situations. Without this experience, Krav Maga practitioners may be unprepared for actual self-defense situations.
In addition, Krav Maga relies heavily on bare-handed striking techniques. While these techniques can be effective in a real-world self-defense situation, they can also lead to serious injuries. It is important for anyone considering Krav Maga to be aware of the risks involved.
Another thing that makes Krav Maga a lesser martial art is the fact that most combinations end too quickly. Other martial arts such as Muay Thai or boxing practice much longer combinations. These combinations involve a wider variety of strikes.
These longer combinations are more likely to succeed in a real-world self-defense situation. If the practitioners could include sparring, Krav Maga would become more effective.
WWE Style Fighting
WWE wrestling is not real martial art because the matches are scripted. The wrestlers are not fighting each other. They are just performing for the entertainment of the audience. WWE wrestling does involve real physical contact between the wrestlers.
There is also a danger of serious injury. However, the contact between the wrestlers is kept to a minimum to avoid injuries. Therefore, it is not a good way to learn self-defense or to improve your fighting skills. A lot of moves are unrealistic and would not work in a real fight.
For example, the wrestlers often jump off the top rope and perform flying kicks. That would never work in a real fight. WWE wrestling is more like a soap opera than a martial art. It is not a good way to learn self-defense or to improve your fighting skills.
Shin Kicking
Shin kicking was brought into existence in 18th century England as a method of fighting. The idea behind shin kicking is to inflict as much pain as possible on your opponent by kicking them in the shins. The first person who yields from pain is the loser.No punches or throws are allowed.
This is considered a bad martial art because it is extremely painful. It can cause serious injury. In addition, shin-kicking does not give you any real advantage in a fight. Your opponent could simply move out of the way or counter with their kicks.
Bar Brawling
So why is bar brawling a bad martial art? Well, first of all, it’s not a martial art at all. It’s just drunken fighting. Secondly, if a bar brawler comes across someone who has experience with real martial art, like Judo or Muay Thai, the bar brawler will be in a world of pain.
Bar brawling is a type of fighting that is based on street fighting and brawling. It is not a very effective form of self-defense, as it relies heavily on brute force and violence rather than technique or strategy. Additionally, bar brawling often leads to serious injury or even death. As such, it is generally not recommended as a form of self-defense.
While there are many martial arts in the world, not all of them are created equal. There are martial arts that can be effective both in MMA and for self-defense. Other martial arts cannot be used in either. Be sure to do your research to find an effective martial art with a good coach.
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