Wrestling is a sport that has existed for a very long time and even dates back to the prehistoric period. It was primarily used to defend yourself when you had no weapon. During the ancient Greek...
Category: Martial Arts FAQ
The first thing to understand about krav maga is that it's not about fancy moves or complicated techniques. It's about simplicity and effectiveness. The moves are instinctive and easy to execute, so...
When it comes to boxing and other contact sports, using a mouthguard is essential to protect your teeth and gums from injury. However, some people may be tempted to spar without a mouthguard to save...
Self-defense is a vital skill that everyone should know. Judo has been proven to be an effective form of self-defense, but it does have some drawbacks. This article will explore the pros and cons of...
There are many options to choose from when it comes to combat sports. All of them seem pretty interesting to learn. One of the most popular combat sports out there is wrestling. It has been around...
There are many great fighters in the world of boxing. Some have achieved legendary status, while others are still looking to make a name for themselves. But there is one common trait that all these...